Thank you,
CODEPINK, Veterans for Peace, Massachusetts Peace Action, DSA-International Committee, RootsAction, World Beyond War, Progressive Democrats of America & the rest of our coalition partners.
Volunteer to Join a Coalition Working Group!
Descriptions and Contact Information:
Media (Marcy Winograd - [email protected]): Counter the prevailing narrative by getting antiwar voices in mainstream & alternative media. Pressure mainstream media to include antiwar voices. Initiatives may include Speakers Bureau; Academic Contacts; Letters to the editor; OpEds.
Organizing (Cole Harrison - [email protected]): Mobilize the coalition to engage in actions that build our movement and alter US war policy in line with our unity statement. Initiatives may include: Days of Action, Lobby Days, Petitions, Teach-Ins, Picket Lines, Mass Demonstrations, Non-violent Civil Disobedience, Rapid Response Network, Phone Banking, Text Banking
Outreach (Ellen Barfield - [email protected]): Grow the membership and diversity of the coalition; Develop relationships with social movements and other groups that may join the coalition or work with us on United Front actions; Identify under-represented sections of the people that are key to building a successful antiwar movement (e.g. youth, labor, black people and other POC, diaspora communities)
Resources (Bert Knorr - [email protected]): Develop, edit and maintain resources to support the work of the coalition, including the website, fliers, graphics, posters, buttons, banners, talking points, FAQs, videos, podcasts, news. Collaborate with the other working groups as needed.