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Rally in Solidarity with Ukrainian Victims of Invasion! No Russian Troops! No NATO/U.S. expansión!

Since Russia began its invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24, governments around the world have started ramping up their own war machines. As Russian troops and planes are decimating cities and attacking Ukrainian sovereignty, the German government has doubled its defense spending and Belarus is preparing to re-arm with nuclear weapons.  


The U.S. Administration, with the support of both the Democratic and Republican political parties, has long been pushing a provocative NATO expansion into Eastern Europe and Central Asia and just passed a $768 billion war budget. The threat of a spiraling great power conflict becomes more real every day. 


International activists are calling for a global day of action raising the demands Russian Troops Out Now and No to NATO Expansion. 


We go further and say, Abolish NATO and Russia’s Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO).  The people of all nations need money for human needs and climate action, not death and destruction.  


Join with Connecticut activists mobilizing against war and militarism!

Local Endorsers (in formation, orgs for ID only.):

Ad Hoc March 6 Anti-War Committee

Promoting Enduring Peace

Megan Fountain - Unidad Latina en Acción 

Mitch Linck - Anti-War Veteran

Kevin Menescardi - Central CT Democratic Socialists of America

Rev. Josh Pawelek - Unitarian Universalist Society: East  

Adam Antar - Palestine Justice Activist

Isadora Argentino - UNITE HERE local 217 Staff Organizer






Federal Building
150 Court St, New Haven, CT 06510, United States,

Google map and directions


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  • Susan signed 1056 days ago

  • Evan signed 1060 days ago

  • Evan signed 1060 days ago

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  • Susan McGovern
    rsvp'd 2022-03-06 09:12:34 -0500
  • Robin Esser
    canceled rsvp 2022-03-02 16:22:50 -0500
  • Robin Esser
    rsvp'd 2022-03-02 16:21:12 -0500
  • Evan Fritz
    is hosting. 2022-03-02 11:36:35 -0500