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Solidarity with the people of Ukraine

Rally For Working People and Against Imperialism!

Stop Russian, American, & European proxy war in Ukraine

Stop imperialist military aid and interventions in Ukraine

Stop Sanctions on the Russian working people

We are rallying at the capitol building this Sunday at 11am in solidarity with the working class in Ukraine. It was clear from minute one that this is nothing more than a war of proxy between Russian Imperial interests and those of the western imperialist.
For the rich this may be a game, but for millions of people in Ukraine and Russia this is life and death. We are calling for an end to all foreign intervention in Ukraine, and for the opportunity of the Ukrainian people of all ethnicities to answer the question of national rights for themselves.
We seek an end to the occupation, as well as the rampant sale of arms and imposition of sanctions to the region.
We demand immediate de-escalation of this conflict and the ability for the innocent people in the country to decide their own destiny.




Wisconsin State Capitol (State St Stairs)
2 E Main St Madison WI 53703, Madison, WI 53703, United States,

Google map and directions


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  • Alex Gillis
    is hosting. 2022-03-04 06:59:26 -0500