My name is Joyce and I am a part of United Against War and Militarism. We are planning to have an anti-war protest in Amherst Town Common (green area) on April 30th starting at 2 PM. Our goal in the long term is to unite the broad masses of people across the political spectrum and work towards building a strong anti-war movement.
As you have likely seen in the news, the situation in Eastern Europe has remained volatile and risks escalation as top U.S. government officials and the military industrial complex continue to beat the drums of war with Russia. This is a very crucial time for people to come together against escalation as there is a real threat of nuclear holocaust with the ruling class of our country lining up one by one behind World War 3. For example take, Senator Chris Coons (D-DE), who just recently said on CBS: “We are in a very dangerous moment where it is important that on a bipartisan and measured way we in Congress and the administration come to a common position about when we are willing to go the next step and to send not just arms but troops to the aid in defense of Ukraine”. Senator Chris Coons’ comments are not a one-off deal, as his narrative gives a glimpse into the minds of the war hawks that run our country.
The principle demands unifying the rally are:
End to US/NATO escalation of the war in Ukraine, including military exercises in countries neighboring Russia, calls for regime change in Russia, calls to send in US troops to fight in the war and promotion of a no-fly zone in Ukraine. The West should support a negotiated settlement between Ukraine and Russia rather than dangerous escalation.
Lifting of sanctions and ending the isolation of Russia as this strategy primarily impacts ordinary people of the world and not the elites who started the war.
End to censorship campaigns such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google’s ban of individuals speaking against the war. This sets a dangerous precedent for censorship of dissenting voices in general.
End the arms sales and support for far-right Neo-Nazi forces in Ukraine.
If your organization is interested, please reach out to us so we can start communicating and begin the basic steps for building a strong anti-war movement in the Amherst area together!
Amherst Town Common
Across from 79 S Pleasant St,
Amherst, MA 01002,
United States,