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Honk for Peace, End the War - Santa Rosa, CA, USA

Let's engage the public and ask them to take a stand and honk for peace! Let's make some noise!

Bring a sign (we'll have a few extras) which says "Honk for Peace!" Feel free to add a line: Negotiations Now! or End the War! or your own personal reason.

We'll start on the 3rd St. side of the Square and, if we get enough people, we'll expand to the 4th St. side, as well.

Let's line the street with Peace!




Old Courthouse Square
3rd Street & Santa Rosa Ave, Santa Rosa, CA 95401, United States,

Google map and directions


Who's RSVPing

  • Susan signed 508 days ago

  • Susan signed 508 days ago

  • Susan signed 508 days ago

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  • Susan Lamont
    rsvp'd 2023-09-20 14:03:33 -0400
  • Susan Lamont
    is hosting. 2023-09-20 14:02:10 -0400