Join Nebraskans for Peace and other peace organizations worldwide for a Global Day of Action to Stop the War in Ukraine. We call for the immediate withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine!
Nebraskans for Peace believes that the Russian invasion into eastern Ukraine and escalation of hostilities in the whole Ukraine area is a matter of the greatest concern. Nebraskans for Peace’s central commitment is carried in a statement on its website:
“Nebraskans for Peace is committed to the creative, nonviolent resolution of conflict and views war as a practical failure at peacemaking. Confronting violence with violence, we believe, will never create the conditions for peace.”
In that light, Nebraskans for Peace believes that the escalation of hostilities in the whole Ukraine area is dangerous as the United States and Russia are the two largest nuclear powers in the world. Credible analysts have asserted that once a hot war gets started in Ukraine, it will be very difficult to prevent its escalation to nuclear exchanges.
Speakers include:
Wendell Birdhead- Lakota Elder with the Opening prayer, land acknowledgment and song.
Ron Todd-Meyer-Nebraskans for Peace board President and Vietnam War veteran.
Kirstie Engel-Spiritual Leader at First United Methodist Church in Lincoln.
Lizzie Turner-Nebraskans for Peace board member, NFP Anti-War Committee member and former Peace Action organizer.
DeWayne Mays-President of the Lincoln Chapter of NAACP and a U.S. veteran.
Jim Keck-Pastor at First Plymouth Church in Lincoln.
Jim Keck-Pastor at First Plymouth Church in Lincoln.
We encourage guests to bring signs that support peace and justice to the rally. We will have some signs available for guests.
North Steps of the Nebraska State Capitol
1445 K St,
Lincoln, NE 68508,
United States,
Who's RSVPing
A.T. signed 925 days ago
Brittany signed 928 days ago
Brittany signed 928 days ago