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The Urgency of Pursuing Peace in Ukraine: Advocacy Day in Sacramento, California

The Urgency of Pursuing Peace in Ukraine: Advocacy Day.  A Part of The Stop Wars – Weekly Peace Vigil – At corner of 16th & J, Sacramento.

"STOP the weapons! START the talks!" The White House and Congress must come to their senses to avert a wider war that poses the risk of nuclear annihilation.

Please join us to organize and mobilize for peace.  Money for Peace Not War

From Sept 21 to Oct 2, 2023, (Int’l Day of Peace to Int’l Day of Nonviolence), join tens of thousands of people in calling for a culture rooted in nonviolence.

Stand out for peace in Ukraine

  • The war must end now if we want to prevent hundreds of thousands more dead and maimed soldiers and thousands more civilians
  • This war must end now if the world is to come together to prevent certain climate catastrophe as fossil fuel emissions grow by leaps and bounds and fires and floods and murderous heat waves rage on.
  • This war must end now if Ukraine is not to be destroyed.
  • This war must end now if we want to reduce the growing danger of it leading to nuclear war
  • This war must end now if global hunger from restrictions and sanctions on food deliveries is to be avoided
  • This war must end now if the risk to a nuclear meltdown of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant is to be prevented
  • And every week billions of our tax dollars are diverted from housing, public health, education, public transportation and numerous other important needs here at home to pay for the war.




sacramento 16th and j
16th Street & J St, Corner of 16th & J, sacramento, CA 95814, United States,

Google map and directions


Who's RSVPing

  • C. T. signed 494 days ago

  • Darien signed 494 days ago

  • Farzad signed 509 days ago

  • Farzad signed 509 days ago

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Showing 3 reactions

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  • C. T. Weber
    rsvp'd 2023-10-04 03:15:57 -0400
  • Darien De Lu
    rsvp'd +1 2023-10-03 18:57:21 -0400
  • Farzad Qmehr
    is hosting. 2023-09-18 22:13:52 -0400