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San Francisco: Media: Stop Cheerleading for War

Martin Luther King, Jr. Weeks of Actions: San Francisco

Join CODEPINK SF Bay Area and partners for a picket line, banners, posters, music/chanting, flyers, textbanking, a giant "letter to the editor" writing activity, and more calling for major media outlets to demand a ceasefire, negotiations, and an end to the threat of nuclear war.

What: Media: Stop Cheerleading for War!
When: Friday, January 13, 2023 at noon
Where: San Francisco Chronicle Bldg. - Mission St. & 5th, 901 Mission St., San Francisco

Endorsers:  ANSWER Coalition, Triple Justice, XR Peace, PDA SF, DSA San Francisco

Addition Martin Luther King, Jr. Day week of action events in the SF Bay Area:

  • Saturday, January 14th rally at noon: NATO Expansion NO! Peace in Ukraine YES! 
    • Where: Powell + Market Street, San Francisco. There may be a march following the rally. Honor the Anti-War Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Peace in Ukraine – Yes! NATO Expansion – No! Money for Healthcare, Education & Housing, Not the War Machine!
    • Endorsers: ANSWER Coalition, CodePink SF Bay Area, PDA SF, others.
  • Monday, January 16th march & car caravan for MLK Jr. Day, Oakland. Host: Anti-Police Terror Project. Time and location TBA.
  • Saturday, Jan. 21st from 10:30am-noon: Berkeley Peoples' Assembly
    • Where: Berkeley Public Library, 2090 Kittridge St. @ Shattuck Ave. 3d Floor
    • The Berkeley Peoples Assembly aims to give the community opportunities currently sadly lacking to connect and discuss issues of concern, explore solutions, and take action. Brief presentations: "Break Up With Your Planet-Destroying Wall St. Bank", "End War in Ukraine","Save Rooftop Solar", followed by large and small group discussions. Connect in community, express your ideas and be "heard," enact positive change.
    • Free childcare, snacks, "scones not drones"/coffee/tea; information tables, poetry, music. Registration via Eventbrite starts 1/2. Hosts: CODEPINK SF Bay Area, Third Act, Extinction Rebellion Peace, Triple Justice, Mutual Aid Institute, PDA Oakland.
  • Sunday, January 22nd march + rally at 1pm: Remembering Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
    • Assemble 1:00 pm at Lake Merritt Columns (on the Grand Lake side of the Lake). March to Lake Merritt Amphitheatre (West side of the Lake) for a 2:15 pm Rally.
    • Stop All US Wars! / Free Mumia Abu-Jamal! Free Jullian Assange! Free Alex Saab! Free Leonard Peltier! Stop US/NATO Wars and Sanctions/ $Trillions for Human Needs, Jobs, Education, Health Care and the Environment!/ Disband NATO Now!
    • Endorsers: United National Antiwar Coalition; Mobilization to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal; Free Julian Assange, SF Bay Area; Task Force on the Americas; Mt. Diablo P&J Center; Pam Africa, International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal; Assange; Women for Racial and Economic Equality; FreeAlexSaab and US Peace Council; International Action Center; CodePink Women for Peace; Dennis Bernstein, Host, KPFA’s Flashpoints, PDA Oakland.




San Francisco Chronicle Bldg. (Mission St. & 5th)
901 Mission St San Francisco, San Francisco, CA 94103, United States,

Google map and directions


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  • Jordan signed 745 days ago

  • Luck-Key signed 751 days ago

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  • Jordan Weitzel
    rsvp'd 2023-01-11 13:55:06 -0500
  • Luck-Key Macy
    rsvp'd +1 2023-01-05 14:59:06 -0500