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San Francisco: Peace in Ukraine – YES! NATO Expansion – NO! Fund Human Needs, Not War! Rally & Speak Out

Martin Luther King, Jr. Weeks of Actions: San Francisco

The Pentagon announced this week plans to deploy a new nuclear weapon, the B61-12, a so-called “battlefield nuke” to bases in Europe. There is no doubt that the primary target of such a Europe-based weapon would be Russia. And there can also be no doubt of the horrific consequences – for all humanity—that would follow.
It was also announced this week that Ukrainian soldiers would soon be arriving in Oklahoma for training at a U.S. military base -- to learn how to use the highly advanced, U.S.-made Patriot missile system that was recently transferred to the country. This escalation further blurs the line between direct and indirect participation in the conflict, making a catastrophic direct clash with Russia more likely. And on top of this, the latest NATO arms shipments to Ukraine is perhaps the most provocative yet. Armored vehicles, possibly including state-of-the-art tanks, are about to flood the war zone in yet another move to prolong the fighting and prevent peace. The people need to stand up and stop this profoundly reckless policy. 
On Saturday, January 14 in conjunction with the Dr. Martin Luther King, holiday, rallies will take place in New York City, San Francisco and other cities.The rally in San Francisco will take place on Sat. Jan. 14, 12 noon at Powell and Market Streets. Similarly, endorsements include the ANSWER Coalition, Veterans for Peace-SF Chapter 69, CODEPINK, DSA-SF, Haiti Action Committee, Peace Action of San Mateo County, San Jose Peace & Justice Center, Cuba & Venezuela Solidarity Committee, Peace & Freedom Party, Workers World Party, Mt. Diablo Peace & Justice Center, U.S.-China People's Friendship Association, and the Party for Socialism & Liberation in addition to many individual endorsements. 
Join us to honor the true anti-war legacy of Dr. King. In the last year of his life, before an assassin’s bullet took him, Dr. King was organizing all around the country against what he described as the “Three Evils” of our society: militarism, racism and poverty. Honoring Dr. King in a meaningful way means to build an ever stronger movement for peace and against social and economic injustice. This must include using society’s vast resources to fund healthcare, housing, education and to save the environment – rather than the bloated war machine.




Corner of Powell & Market Streets
Powell & Market St, San Francisco, CA 94102, United States,

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  • Cynthia Papermaster
    rsvp'd 2023-01-14 13:47:06 -0500