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Boston Launch: Global Mobilization to End the War: Boston, MA

"In the name of God, in the name of the sense of humanity that dwells in every heart, I renew
my call for an immediate ceasefire" -- Pope Francis

Please join us on Saturday, September 30 to begin this week to promote a ceasefire and negotiations as the only way to end this war and avoid potential catastrophe for the planet.

Speakers at the Boston rally will include:  Stephen Kinzer, Boston Globe journalist and author; Joseph Gerson, Campaign for Peace, Disarmament, and Common Security; Chris Chanyasulkit, President, American Public Health Association; Graham Aiken, student, Northeastern University; Rev. Vernon K. Walker, candidate for Cambridge City Council.

Entertainers will include Ben Grosscup, Lucretia's Daggers, and Nina Giulianini.

  • The war must end now if we want to prevent hundreds of thousands more dead and maimed soldiers and thousands more civilians
  • This war must end now if the world is to come together to prevent certain climate catastophe as fossil fuel emissions grow by leaps and bounds and fires and floods and murderous heat waves rage on.
  • This war must end now if Ukraine is not to be destroyed.
  • This war must end now if we want to reduce the growing danger of it leading to nuclear war
  • This war must end now if global hunger from restrictions and sanctions on food deliveries is to be avoided
  • This war must end now if the risk to a nuclear meltdown of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant is to be prevented
  • And every week billions of our tax dollars are diverted from housing, public health, education, public transportation and numreous other important needs here at home to pay for the war

Sponsored by Ukraine: A Time for Peace, a campaign of Mass. Peace Action; Watertown Citizens for Peace, Justice and the Environment; Newton Dialogues on Peace & War; SS. Francis and Therese Catholic Worker; Traprock Center for Peace & Justice; the House of Peace/ Ipswich; Campaign for Peace, Disarmament, and Common Security; St. Susanna Pax Christi; Cape Downwinders (list in formation)




Downtown Crossing with march to Boston Common
Boston, MA, United States,

Google map and directions


Who's RSVPing

  • Joel signed 500 days ago

  • Margaret Jeanne signed 501 days ago

  • Pat signed 520 days ago

  • Joseph signed 523 days ago

  • Ysabel signed 538 days ago

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  • Joel Berger
    rsvp'd 2023-09-27 17:15:43 -0400
  • Margaret Jeanne Trubek
    rsvp'd 2023-09-27 15:06:19 -0400
  • Pat Watson
    rsvp'd +1 2023-09-08 15:00:19 -0400
  • Joseph Herosy
    rsvp'd +3 2023-09-05 15:43:53 -0400