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Stop the War in Ukraine: Milwaukee, WI

Stop the War in Ukraine! Ceasefire and negotiations now!!
Milwaukee Anti-War Committee is hosting a rally in solidarity with the United National Antiwar Coalition on October 1st at 2pm on the corner of Water and St. Paul (across from the Public Market). Though the invasion began almost two years ago, there has been no advancement from either Russia or Ukraine. Despite this, billions of U.S. dollars and countless civilian lives have been spent to maintain this conflict. This endless war does not protect the working class people in Ukraine or Russia, but sacrifices them for the interests of imperialism. NATO and the U.S. have played active roles in this deltabilization of Ukraine, and we say no more!
Our demands are clear –
End the War in Ukraine!
No to NATO!
No Weapons, No Money for War!




Corner of Water St. & St. Paul Ave. Milwaukee, WI
Milwaukee, WI, United States,

Google map and directions

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