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Say No to the War Machine Madison/DaneCo WI

Join us. Youth Climate Action Team, Veterans for Peace and Safe Skies Clean Water and our friends as we support each other, as we say stop the F-35's, stop the war profiteers and stop war. Near Truax Field and Dane County Regional Airport
Link to Map 

11:00 am – Meet at Lake Mendota near Tenney Locks.

12:00 pm - Walkers can join at Demetral Park Shelter, 6th Street.

1:00 pm - Walk finishes with a closing circle at Packers and International Lane.

1:30 pm - Vigil begins — Say No to F-35s & No to War.


More details and map for walk. 


"We oppose the Russian invasion and call for the immediate withdrawal of all Russian troops. We recognize that the expansion of NATO and the aggressive approach of Western states have helped cause the crisis and we demand an end to NATO expansion. We also  oppose sanctions that will harm ordinary Russians and call on all countries to welcome all refugees fleeing the war." - World Beyond War 




Entrance to Dane County Airport Area, Madison
Intersection of Packers Avenue and International Lane , Madison , WI 53704, United States,

Google map and directions


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  • Bradley Geyer
    is hosting. 2022-04-05 20:23:04 -0400